
Sunday morning and sitting in the square trying to decide on 8:00am, 9:00am, 10:00am, etc Mass--not only will I be in the partially 'foreign' R.C. environment, I can only assume everything will be in Spanish.

Made a big move yesterday, went ot the BIG open market and bought loose carrots, peppers, onions, potatoes, etc. and 2 big steaks (approximate 70 pesos-$7.00usa) to cook supper--also verified my supply of Immodium.

Meals have been tremendous, from over the counter tortillas, to hole in the wall restaurants, to one pretty nice one--trying to eat all Mexican and doing a pretty good job.

I found a Buffet yesterday but will have to work on my nerve before partaking. All you can eat for 65 pesos.

I have yet to find local Frenchie's but I know my clothes budget would be minimal. Take your T shirt and high tech undies off when you go to bed, sink wash, hang and put back on in the morning--have I mentioned 25% humidity, sort of goes along with the 85*F and sun--actually had big thuner showers last two nights.

Dios for now.


At 4/23/2006 8:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi folks - great ride today. 15 degrees and sunny skies - 10% humidy. So, I hold your humidy and raise you one!
Stop talking about the gret food and low cost - I'm envious!

At 4/23/2006 11:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was with you up until, "Take your T shirt and high tech undies off when you go to bed". Eeeeeeeeuw!!!


At 4/24/2006 7:28 p.m., Blogger Jo-Anna said...

Hi Bruce and Nancy, It was so nice hearing your voice the other night. Your trip sounds so wonderful. I am driving Jo-Anna to Sarah's on Sunday for the beginning of her field work. (2 months). Kathryn is seriously considering going to Fort Kent for her B.Ed. She has been accepted now for the paper work. Paula is doing well she sees the Dr. tomorrow. I'll let you know the news. Rainy and cold here today. Yesterday I got lots of sun. Talk soon. Be safe and continue to have fun. Love Judy


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